This tutorial is incomplete

Custom Kernels (Incomplete)

This tutorial is first going to discuss compiling C++ into a Python module. Then we’re going to talk about using C++ to do PyTorch computations, and then we’re going to discuss using CUDA to do PyTorch computations.

In most any program you care to write, a small part of the code will make up the overwhelming majority of the runtime. The idea behind megastep is that you can write almost all of your environment in PyTorch, and then write the small, majority-of-the-runtime bit in CUDA.

While megastep’s render() and physics() calls make up the slow bits of the environments I’ve been prone to write, it’s not likely they cover all of your use-cases. In fact, if you’re reading this it probably means you’ve decided that they don’t cover your use cases. So this tutorial is about writing your own.

There is not much in this tutorial that isn’t in the official PyTorch extension tutorial. If you find yourself confused about something written here, you can get another perspective on it there. However that tutorial spends a lot of time discussing things like gradients that aren’t as interesting to us.


TODO-DOCS Explain the prerequesites

While I usually do my Python development in a Jupyter notebook, when messing with C++ I’d recommend running most of your tests from the terminal. In a notebook, a failed compilation can sometimes be silently ‘covered’ by torch loading an old version of your module, and that way madness lies. Better to run things in a terminal a la

python -c "print('hello world')"

and never have to worry about restarting the kernel after every compilation cycle.

Turning C++ into Python

For our first trick, we’re going to send data from Python to C++, we’re going to do some computation in C++, and then we’re going to get the result back in Python.

Now make yourself a wrappers.cpp file in your working directory with the following strange incantations:

#include <torch/extension.h>

int addone(int x) { return x + 1; }

    m.def("addone", &addone)
Let’s work through this.
  • #include: This header pulls in a lot of PyTorch’s C++ API, but more importantly it pulls in pybind. Pybind is, in a word, magic. It lets you package C++ code up into Python modules, and goes a long way to automating the conversion of Python objects into C++ types and vice versa.

  • addone: Next we define a function that we’d like to call from Python.

  • PYBIND11_MODULE: Then we invoke pybind’s module creation macro. It takes the name of the module (TORCH_EXTENSION_NAME, which evaluates to a specific torch-provided name) and which provides a variable - m - that’ll be used to identify which bits of C++ need to be hooked up to Python.

  • m.def: Finally, we specify the address of the thing we want to call from Python - &addone - and we give specify the name that thing should be known by on the Python side - "addone".

Now, the Python side. Make an file in the same directory containing

import torch.utils.cpp_extension
import sysconfig

[torch_libdir] = torch.utils.cpp_extension.library_paths()
python_libdir = sysconfig.get_config_var('LIBDIR')
libpython_ver = sysconfig.get_config_var('LDVERSION')

cuda = torch.utils.cpp_extension.load(
    extra_cuda_cflags=['-std=c++14', '-lineinfo'],
        f'-lpython{libpython_ver}', '-ltorch', '-ltorch_python', '-lc10_cuda', '-lc10',
        f'-L{torch_libdir}', f'-Wl,-rpath,{torch_libdir}',
        f'-L{python_libdir}', f'-Wl,-rpath,{python_libdir}'])

Almost all of this is boilerplate C++ compilation voodoo; the only really important bits to note are the name - which is what our new C++ module will be added to the import system under - and the list of source files. I explain the rest of the options below if you’re interested, but frankly you can skip reading it until such time as compilation is giving you trouble.

With this file defined, we can test things out! Find yourself a terminal and run

>>> from compiler import *
>>> two = cuda.addone(1)
>>> print(two)

It should hang for a while while it compiles in the background, then print 2! If it does, congrats - you’re sending data over to Python, doing some computation, and getting it back!

If for some reason it doesn’t work, the first thing to do is to add a verbose=True arg to the load() call. That’ll give you much more detailed debugging information, and hopefully let you ID the problem.

Adding In PyTorch

For our next trick, let’s do the same again with a pytorch tensor rather than a simple integer. All we need to do is to update our addone function to take and return tensors rather than ints:

using TT = at::Tensor;

TT addone(TT x) { return x + 1; }

The at::Tensor type we’re defining here is pytorch’s basic tensor type. It’s going to show up all over the place in our code, which is why we’re aliasing it as TT.

This time, test it with

>>> import torch
>>> from compiler import *
>>> one = torch.as_tensor(1)
>>> two = cuda.addone(one)
>>> print(two)

If that works, hooray again - you’re sending a tensor to C++, doing some computation, and getting it back in Python!

All the Way to CUDA

Compilation Switches

TODO: Check how minimal these compilation switches actually are.

To save some scrolling, here’s the compilation snippet from earlier:

import torch.utils.cpp_extension
import sysconfig

[torch_libdir] = torch.utils.cpp_extension.library_paths()
python_libdir = sysconfig.get_config_var('LIBDIR')
libpython_ver = sysconfig.get_config_var('LDVERSION')

cuda = torch.utils.cpp_extension.load(
    extra_cuda_cflags=['-std=c++14', '-lineinfo', '--use_fast_math'],
        f'-lpython{libpython_ver}', '-ltorch', '-ltorch_python', '-lc10_cuda', '-lc10',
        f'-L{torch_libdir}', f'-Wl,-rpath,{torch_libdir}',
        f'-L{python_libdir}', f'-Wl,-rpath,{python_libdir}'])
And the notes:
  • [torch_libdir]: Find the path to the directory of Torch C++ libraries we need to link against.

  • python_libdir: Find the path to the directory of Python C libraries we need to link against.

  • libpython_ver: We specifically want the Python C library corresponding to the version of Python we’re running right now.

  • cuda = torch: We’re going to get torch to compile our C++ code for us, link it against a bunch of libraries and then stuff it into the cuda variable.

  • name='testkernels: Our library is going to be loaded into Python as the ‘testkernels’ library. That is, as well as it being the cuda variable, we can also access our C++ code through import testkernels.

  • sources: This is the list of files to compile; in our case, just our wrappers.cpp.

  • extra_cflags: Here we say we want the C++ side of things compiled as C++17 code. C++ has come a long way in the last few years, and compiling a modern version makes for a much more pleasant time writing C++.

  • extra_cuda_cflags: And here we say we want the CUDA side of things compiled as C++14 code. Not quite as nice as C++17 code, but the best the CUDA compiler could support as of the time I wrote this. We also chuck in the -lineinfo switch, which will give us more useful debugging information when things go wrong, and the --use_fast_math switch, which lets the CUDA compiler user faster - but slightly less accurate - maths.

  • extra_ldflags: And finally, we list off all the libraries that need to be included when linking the compiled code. The -l switches name specific libraries; the -L switches give the directories to look in for dynamic linking, and the -Wl,-rpath switches give the directories to look in for static linking. I think I have that right.

TODO-DOCS finish the kernels tutorial